
Never Stop Dreaming

Hi,我是段颖凡🥰,一个什么都懂一点的数据科学爱好者。曾就读于中央财经大学应用统计专业,目前是芝加哥大学的一名分析学硕士,曾在埃森哲、尼尔森担任数据分析实习生,即将前往Expedia Group进行数据科学暑期实习。

数据科学方面擅长数据处理、可视化方法和各类机器学习模型,主要使用python实践;一度精通R,包括可视化、爬虫、数据处理以及Shiny,由于使用频率较低有些生疏;对大数据平台也有一定的了解,如Hadoop, PySpark, GCP等;业余技能包括Unix、Git、Markdown。

Hi, I am Yingfan Duan. 🥰

I am an enthusiastic data scientist. My current interests of data science range from data preprocessing and visualization to various machine learning models based on python. I used R mainly several years ago, working on visualization, web-scraping, data preprocessing and building shiny app. I also have experience of big data platforms such as Hadoop, PySpark and GCP and I am still learning AWS.

I currently am a master student in UChicago, majoring in Analytics. I studied BS, Applied Statistics at Central University of Finance and Economics in China.

In the past, I worked as data science intern at Nielsen and Accenture for two months respectively. And I am going to be a summer intern in Expedia Group this summer.